To heal our earth we must first heal our souls. 

Hello! First of all, welcome.

My name is Chelsea.  I am a Space Holder, a Yoga Teacher, a Breathwork Facilitator, a Somatic Inner Work Guide and a Creativity Doula for artists, creatives and magic makers.

I believe our lives are Art, meant to be witnessed.

Life can be a harrowing journey, the biggest gift we can give; each other and ourselves, is a hand to hold and a heart that sees clearly with compassion.

When we learn to tend to ourselves we take the first steps towards radically healing the collective.

We are all magically, divinely, fantastically human, worthy and deserving of care.

We all deserve to feel seen and witnessed.

We are all worthy of being held in the wholeness of our humanity, the joyful and the messy, the glorious and the grief filled.

Here, there is space for it all. All of it is welcome. You make so much sense.